Your Enneagram Coach, the Podcast

Episode 242: Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Head Triad Blind Spots & Enneagram Arrows

Jeff McCord and Adam Breckenridge Season 2 Episode 242

Today on the podcast, we dive into the Head Triad—Types 5, 6, and 7—and explore their Enneagram lines and arrows, or as we like to call them, their Enneagram Paths.

In this episode, we cover Types 5, 6, 7’s:

  • The Stress and Growth Path: Understand what it means to move along these lines during times of stress and growth.
  • The Blind Spot and Converging Points: Discover the often overlooked paths in your Enneagram type and how recognizing them can lead to powerful personal development.
  • Parts of a Whole: Learn how each line and arrow is a path to essential parts of your heart, revealing the full complexity of your personality.

Understanding the lines and arrows offers insights into the patterns of behavior that can either propel us forward or hold us back. Whether you’re a 5, 6, or 7, or you know someone who is, this episode sheds light on how these types can navigate life more effectively.

Bonus: As a special gift, download our free PDF on Lines and Arrows to deepen your understanding and put these insights into practice.

Thank you to our guest:
Adam Breckenridge - 

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Hey, friends. Well, have you ever wondered why there are these lines and sometimes arrows in the enneagram symbol? And if you do understand what they are, is there anything you can do about that dynamic of your ending your personality type? Well, you've come to the right place, particularly if you're a type 56 or seven, because today we're going to be talking about the lines and the arrows Welcome to your Enneagram Coach, the podcast. I am Jeff McCord, co founder and CEO of your Enneagram Coach. We help millions of people around the world, help them to discover, explore in order for them to become the selves that they've always longed to be. Today I am joined by Adam Breckenridge, the infamous, the notorious director of coaching here at YEC.


Yeah. Hey, Jeff, my kids, I call myself at home, the notorious DAD and they don't like it.


You don't like it.


don't like it.


Oh, that's too bad. What do they have a nickname that they like?


No, no, no, no. They just, they, they just, It's just dad.


It's just dad.




Uh, my kids, whenever, um, so the seven, well, we talk a lot about parts and Enneagram types, connecting types. So as a six, I have a seven wing and my kids call my seven wing El McCordo because he is the life of the party. And, uh, that's the other name that they call me like, Oh, there's El McCordo.


There he is. Yeah.


he is. I'm not sure what they call my Texas twang that comes out. My accent that every once in a while shows We don't have a name for that. they usually come out with prayer and fasting.


Those kinds of demons. That's the only way to get them out.


Oh, you can take the boy out of Texas.


Yeah. But if you want to take the Texas demons out of the boy,


Ooh. They're pretty fierce. They're pretty fierce. They always threaten to leave, but they never really leave.


and if they ever come back, they come back with a vengeance. oh,


oh, hey, okay.


we're off to a good start.


We're off to a great start. I mean, I just introduced, we're going to be talking about lines and arrows and now we're getting into mixing spirituality with being a Texan, um, which is its own spirituality. Let's be honest. is, uh, for sure. Well, hey, uh, in this series, we're going to help you to better understand the lines and, or sometimes the Enneagram symbol and learn how to practice or how to use this insight for your own self coaching and leadership. Um, in this episode, we're actually specifically going to be talking about the types 7. If you want a broader understanding of each of the, uh, lines and arrows, go back to our previous episode in 241, where we just give you an overview of the lines and arrows. But for this podcast, in the next episode. Upcoming episodes, we'll take the rest of the numbers. Each of the main type of the Enneagram has two, uh, lines that connect the two other types. Sometimes this is actually represented by an arrow. And the reason why there's an arrow and not a line sometimes is that teachers are trying to indicate that there's a dynamic happening, that we move in a particular direction and adopt the styles of relating of these other types. We don't become the other but we adopt their relational style. One way to think about, um, these lines and arrows is to think about our, the relationship between Riley and her emotions in the movies, Inside Out one and two. Now we talked at length about this and how that all shows up. Um, and you know, Adam, I don't know if you'd like to, but would you want to summarize what it is about Inside Out and how it captures the four movements of, The lines and arrows.


Yeah, absolutely. So in the film Inside Out, in, in Riley's inner world, um, each, you know, her emotions are personified, each character, Um, represents the emotion and has its own personality and, and they have their own responses, their own strategies, their own core motivations, And they're all working really, really hard for Riley trying to help her survive. You know, everything school girl is trying to live and survive. They're trying to help her connect and protect. And, and again, they work really hard for the same is true about. connecting types that you're talking about, Jeff, you know, um, although they don't represent an emotion, they do represent a personality those personality types have their own responses. They have their own strategies, um, defense mechanisms, they have their own core motivations and their own. Each of them will show up for you and, and really, you know, fight to drive, to take over the control board because they want And they're going to show up sometimes in healthy ways. And sometimes they're going to show up in not so healthy


And the way that we talk about those, uh, particularly here at YEC is that there are four ways that these types show up. One is the stress path, which means adopting the unhealthy attributes of a type, uh, and that stress paths can also be a healthy thing called the converging path, which is when we're most free from the limitations of our personality, uh, restraints. Now there's also the growth path, which is adopting the healthy attributes of a, of a connecting type, but that growth path can also be the blind spot path where it's a way of relating that we are blind to and it's usually with close family members or close friends. So as we promised the beginning of the show, that we're going to be talking through the head triad, the fives, sixes and sevens. So Adam, why won't you bring it home for type fives?


Yeah, let's talk about type five. So type fives, um, are connected to in the lines and the arrows, uh, type seven. So the type five would have in its internal family, if you will, a type seven part. Um, and so just to kind of summarize that, you know, if, if you're a type five, that, that type seven part is going to give you the ability to. enjoy a more exciting and abundant life with others. It's going to, it's a part of you that's going to be excitable, resilient, spontaneous, energetic, optimistic. Sometimes, you know, it's a part of you fives that will maybe we'll be, uh, you Maybe, maybe interested in taking on too many exciting projects. Um, you know, you know, things that you're starting, but struggling to complete. This is some of the ways that this type seven can show up. It's also, uh, your type seven part is, is it causes You to have a kind of a racing mind. It can, it show up in like restlessness, hyperactivity. Maybe having a hard time denying what it desires. You know, it doesn't want to be bored. It doesn't want to be, if you find yourself as a type five, like I really don't want to be limited. I don't want to be deprived. I, you know, this is some of the ways that this, this is probably indicative of, this is your type seven path part that's showing up for So,


Adam, what comes to mind whenever I hear those descriptions is Robin Williams in the movie Flubber.




Do you remember that?


I do


Kind of the frenetic, absent minded type. They're very, they can be both hyper focused and kind of scattered all at the same


That's right. That's exactly right. So, um, you know. you said, Jeff, these, these can show up in different ways. Let's talk about the stress path. Um, how to recognize the misaligned, this is the misaligned traits of, of the connecting type seven. you know, do you sometimes, if you're a type five, do you sometimes notice that you have a racing mind, as I said, become scattered, restless, hyperactive. Do you sometimes, you know, overbook your schedule with fascinating experiences and interests, or maybe. Become a little bit impulsive and take on too many projects. do you find yourself as a type five becoming more talkative with others? Maybe to the point that you're even like having an out of body experience. What am I doing? Oversharing? Well, I'm sharing, you know, sharing new possibilities that you see, sharing information that you've absorbed. Um, maybe you've become a radically focused on learning everything at like a feverish pace, causing you to be less patient with people. That's an example of that stress path and how the type seven can show up, you know, um, in the average to unhealthy traits of the type seven. let's talk about the converging path. This is the, this is like type fives emerging as their healthiest self. This is whenever the, healthy, most mature, uh, self actualized traits of the type seven show up for a five. And this is where you find yourself maybe enjoying life more to the fullest, you know, Trusting that God is benevolent, that He's kind, that He's going to provide for your needs. You're probably a little more fun and spontaneous and maybe physically active, you know, less fearful about that catastrophic depletion. Still having your boundaries, still needing your solitude, still needing your time to recharge, but but less withholding. Less of the avarice and withholding of yourself and more generous and spontaneous, um, in, in the way you show up relationally, you, know, you probably, um, you're a little more hopeful, optimistic, joyful, you know, seeing that life is full of purpose and meaning. So that's that Jeff, that's that converging path and how the seven can show up in a healthy sense. Anything you want to add to that?


Well, I was just thinking, you know, we, to each of these parts, we have relationships with these parts. So we may only be able to observe one attribute or one side of a part. So particularly in, uh, Enneagram teaching, when we only They're trying to focus on stress and growth path. We miss out on the whole opportunity of recognizing that there's a whole other side that this part of us brings, but I would imagine for a five that they don't enjoy being scattered or overbooked or, And they probably don't enjoy oversharing with others whenever they get really excited but this seven part of their heart is also something that can bring them life and fun and spontaneity. It really is kind of the hope of the five to be able to kind of let go of the fives restraints that hold them back to be more abundant minded to be less scarcity minded. And so you may have a relationship of ambivalence towards the seven party of her heart. Because you, you don't trust it, um, but there is a gift there and we're going to show an exercise at the, when Adam, uh, after he goes through the type eight part, um, that's going to help you to recognize this and to practice some self leadership so that you can bring out the healthiest part of this seven part of you and the eight part of you, uh, so that you can be more present to yourself


Yeah. Yeah. Very good. Um, let's talk about the, the other path or the other arrow or line that type fives have. We've talked about the seven, fives are also connected type eight. So here's kind of a summary of your connecting type eight, the eight part of you, if you will. your eight, Path or part gives you the ability to trust your instincts, to take action. Um, this is the part of you that is decisive and assertive, protective of yourself and others. you know, if you feel that your space is being, you know, your energy is being intruded on You know, this is the part of you that has no problem stepping up and challenging anyone that is breaching your boundaries. your eight part also causes you to, uh, to, to confront, you know, anybody that displeases you. It's the part of you that, again, it can be intense. can be confrontational is also big hearted. You know, this is the part of you that's got, it's just, it's, tenderness to it. There's, and there's a strength to it, a unique tenderness and strength that the type eight this is, um, just a summary of how this part of you shows up now, uh, for the type five,, the, the blind spot is, is type eight. So this is the unhealthy characteristics of the type eight. And again, the F the type five doesn't become an eight, but, but gravitates over and kind of borrows from the unhealthy traits of the eight. And so you may notice yourself, um, you know, in this case, when you're, when you're in that path, when that part of you showing up, however you want to think about it, you may notice yourself asserting boundaries, forcefully confronting people. Uh, becoming more aggressive, maybe even vengeful, especially if you are blindsided, if you're really caught off guard, or if you feel betrayed, um, you know, you may question others competence while asserting your own knowledge with, with strength. Um, and there can be, you know, this intellectual sort of, uh, intellectual ego that begins to emerge. Um, you may become more private and secretive. Because there's this, this, this fear of being betrayed and fear of vulnerability that the, that the type eight has. So think about that for a type five who already loves, you know, solitude and to be a little more withdrawn, like values a little more of that, you know, solid solitary life. Um, and then the type eights fear of vulnerability. And, and being, being taken advantage of, or being betrayed when that shows up for the type five, that can really create a tall, thick fence that you start to display with other Um, and so this is some of the ways that, you know, this is the blind spot for the type five. Now the growth path for the type five is the healthy traits of a type Um, so in this case, the type eight gifts you with self confidence. decisiveness, a healthy, uh, assertiveness. Um, you may find yourself trusting your instincts, becoming bolder, um, you know, getting out of your head and into your gut a little taking action. So fives, I know sixes can really can get into be prone to uh, and really thinking before they act. So the joke is, you know, whereas some Enneagram types are more, you know, Uh, ready, fire, aim, you know, fives can be ready, ready, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim, ready, aim, aim, fire. But, uh, in, in the healthy, in, in, in, in the growth path, when the healthy, uh, aid is showing up for you in a healthy way, You're quicker to take action. Um, you're quicker to operate out of your gut And that's a gift that the Um, you're also notice you may be more active, you know, you may be just physically more active, more engaged with your life. Um, you may isolate yourself less. And, and, and be a little more of a snowplow when it comes to blazing a path for others with the knowledge and wisdom that you have and sharing the knowledge and wisdom that you have. And you probably also noticed that you're willing to take on more responsibility and demonstrate courage and confidence. And that's the, that's the giftedness that the type eight brings you. Um, in that growth path, Jeff, you want to talk about the, uh, you want to add anything to that, that you want to add and you want to lead us through the exercise.


sure, you know, I love the idea that part of us gifts you know, there whenever we we sort of can sometimes pick a how to or address a problem what the Enneagram does for us in understanding these parts is that we can see it from another That I might be inclined as a type six to address a problem with heart and go to my books and then there's another part of me. The seven part of the wing. Let's say that wants to jump in with excitement and adventure and So the idea that we have these parts as gifts and sometimes liabilities. gifts to help us, when you can, you can think of back to the Inside Out movie where just one part trying to control isn't what we're looking We're trying to, we're looking for integration one of the exercise or the exercise that Beth and I have developed that, uh, we practice ourselves and AWARE stands for Awaken, Welcome, Ask, and the way that we like to think about this, particularly as it relates awaken. How are your seven or eight parts showing up in your life right Are they showing up in your thinking? Are they showing up in your emotions? are they even showing up in your body? next one is welcome and what do we mean by welcome is that rather than denying or justifying these attributes and just kind of accepting them as they are, become curious because at times we can kind of move away from try to deny them what is it we as our own leaders, our own team leads can actually ask. by asking yourself why these parts are showing up for you in the What needs are they seeking to that you may not receive. the gift that you are more than one part. You have other parts of can help you identify your needs and move towards them in healthier ways. What do the healthier parts So think about the difference of sort of, uh, other people intruding on your is an unhealthy eight response that Adam was But what would it be like to, uh, look at it from embraces the the these two parts of you may be in competition to some degree, but they have needs. And so what we really want to do is just consider the possibility and to use our imagination to think, okay, is another way, another part of And then lastly is engage. To engage yourself, your relationships, Is it, what's your plan for reevaluating how you related and then re engaging in a new way why don't we dive into type six? Uh, we're familiar with this neighborhood.


Yeah. Yeah. We,


here. We've, we grew up here. We live here.


Yeah. I feel like this, I feel like this, I feel like this could get, this could get dangerous


That's right. Yeah. There's a lot of sexiness lot of


Let's be honest. We're 60 and we know it, you know, It just is. what It is. Don't, don't fight it. Don't fight it.


not going to edit that out. We're going to leave that in there, Adam. So from now on, uh, it'll, it shall be known. You're lucky he didn't start, like, making some kind of banjo or guitar sound


I have a guitar, right? I have a guitar right here.


I, I know, I know what you could do,


the, well, the, but you know, the other one that we didn't say is, um, we're bringing 60 We didn't, we didn't, we didn't, we didn't


I, I gotta be honest with you, I don't know if I'm gonna be a candidate I, lost my sexiness back in the 90s.


way back in the night. Wait, you mean way back in the 1900s


yeah, that's right. Although I was really pleased. I was pleasantly surprised. Someone on YouTube commented on a, one of our initial episodes after Beth's sabbatical. Oh, I can't remember the name of the guy, the actor, but someone Oh, Slater from, uh,




No, not Christian Slater, the, uh, oh gosh, Saved by the Bell


Oh, AC Slater.


AC Slater. Yeah. Um, somewhat, yeah, compared me to him. I'm like an older version of him. I'm like, oh, that's nice. Thank you for that.


And I am, I can't be your Zach Morris. I'm probably closer to screech than I am Zach you know, that's okay. It is


Oh man, it's saved by the bell and Hey, Let's talk about the type three and type nine, the two connecting types for the type Um, so we're going to look through each of these both in their healthy contributions unhealthy and growth spot and converging. So for the type six, you're connected to type three. And that three part gives you the ability to trust yourself and not allow your inner committee to sabotage your actions. Um, and so, yeah, and it can cause you to worry about your self image and to keep busy to avoid feeling anxious. Now, one way that you can understand how to recognize when this three part of you is showing up, particularly as a stress is that one, do you arrogantly believe that you alone are seeing all the possibilities and scenarios, is really, I mean, accused me of this all the time because I don't think I'm a pessimist, I'm a realist, but I don't think that other people what I'm seeing. Uh, and it, there's an arrogance about it, like I, oh, I knew that was coming, uh, and it's kind of surprising that arrogance can come out of an, an anxious six, but, it is true and it's a part of me and it's Um, so this can also show up as keeping busy to avoid feeling anxious feelings, yes. don't know if I'm going to like this because I just like am I just reading all my character defects like in front of


yeah, you're no, you're no, no, you're reading all of my character defects in




is where, this is where you've gone from like stepping on my toes were flat out


Right. Oh, man so Why don't I put it rather than you? Adam, do you refuse to try something new if failure is a possibility? We maybe I should change it to we or I like am I worried about my self image and what others might be thinking of me?


Yeah. Does, how does that feel? How changing the pro changing the pronoun to personal? Does it make, makes it?


It does I mean I walk in the mornings now and there's one hill that I walk up that I mean it's It's a good, it's a good hill. I mean, it gets my heart rate going. And I often wonder what I look like, just suffering up that hill. And if someone walks past me, I kind of stand up straight and out and act like I'm not breathing heavy


yeah. Yeah. Like I got


I probably look, I'm about to pass out.




Uh, well, do we use


I tried running up, I tried running up that hill one time by your I had a very humiliating but you, you, you keep going, you keep talking. was, it was rough.


Adam, I never told you this, but I actually, um, my cameras caught Um, they caught you right up there on the next episode.


do not want to


Embarrassing things that the McCord's Uh, well, do we use our charm and likable persona to establish support and alliances too close. It's too close, Adam. Well, guess what? This three part of our, actually as a gift to offer us to, um, do we know how to direct respect whenever I sense that and have a do we meet our goals by devising more effective ways to accomplish them? Can we move forward confidently, not allowing our inner committee to sabotage Do we delight in what we have accomplished knowing that we have contributed something great and do we act bravely for others without getting trapped These are gifts that the type 3 part of our really gifts not just the negative converging path as well. Well, the type 9 has both its strength and liabilities. So, the 9 part of our hearts gives us the ability to relax, to enjoy the moment, slow down our minds. And, it causes you to deal with stress by shutting down and reacting negatively to interruptions. As I talked about before, call him Phil. Um, the 9 part of my heart can be one, the part of me that needs to relax. and it's the part of me that can practice silence and solitude, eating some Taco Bell and watching So how can we recognize when this, um, when the blind spot path of so this is who we are whenever, perhaps family members or our uh, do we deal with stress by shutting down, by we sometimes forget who we are because we've chosen secure, uh, security and peaceful loyalty to over, to others over our own passions of lose our When we're overwhelmed, do we stubbornly resist others demands and avoid I've never done I can't imagine a Sixth ever, ever stubbornly resisting,


it sounds sounds totally foreign to


didn't know that was an option. or do we express irritation when others interrupted or service or insist that we get out of, comfortable routines Um, man, that's funny for me because sometimes when I get slack messages when I'm on my walk in the morning, I get kind of initially irritated like this is my time. Not that I couldn't turn off the notifications. I totally could. And they're just, you know, Doing their job, but for some reason I can here. That's the blind spot path of Well, what's the growth path to Well, we can take time to relax to enjoy the moments enabling us to slow down We can, uh, empathize with others and extend compassion to them. We can develop secure relationships, not by our over functioning in relationships, but actually by becoming calmer, and we can become emotionally peaceful and more open and receptive to others. Uh, emotionally peaceful and more open Um, and when, when trusting our inner guidance, can reassure and support others with encouragements I've noticed something, uh, Adam, and I don't know if you've noticed and you're, you're a super encouraging certainly a gift But I've, I've noticed too in my life like Sometimes whenever I say encouragements, like they seem to land significantly Like there is a real gift that this part offers to be able to affirm people in very meaningful ways. Do you notice that in your life too?


I, Yeah. I do. And, and, and, and it is the, uh, it is the type ninex strength that shows up just to see, to, to be able to put. The type nine to be able to kind of put themselves in the shoes of every other type and see every type objectively and affirm what, you know, affirm the, the, the weight, the weightiness and the glory, if you will, of each type's presence, you know, that's, that the nine has. And I, I, I do see the nine gifting that to. To me as a six.


I feel like I don't want to take up all the time and share about my internal world both its gifts and liabilities. Why don't you take us through AWARE? And let's just see what it brings up for you in front of


let's do that. Yeah. So the, the AWARE acronym, um, if you're listening to this episode, uh, here's the, here's the basic steps. Jeff with the type five. It's the same for every type. It just takes on the, you know, it's just nuanced, but Um, A stands for ask, you know, ask yourself why these parts of yours showing up the way they are. Um, in fact, you, you, you can ask the parts themselves. It's kind of like, you know, the, the Psalmist in Psalm 42, when he turns toward himself and why are you downcast on my soul? And know, if you, if you say, who's he talking to in that text, he's always talking to himself. And more specifically, he's talking to a part of himself and he's asking the part of himself that feels downcast a question. It's not a judgmental question. Why are you downcast? What's wrong with a legitimate, it's genuine curiosity. tell me your story. Tell me. how it is with you. You know, how are you? Are you okay? Tell me, tell me what's going on. It's, it's, it's, so you want to move into this posture of curiosity with these parts of showing up. And then, um, we move to the R, which is to receive, you know, receiving the gift that all of these parts are offering you. Um, you know, you have other parts of you that can help you identify your needs and move toward them in healthier ways. And that's a real gift. So you want to receive. what these parts are trying to give you. They're, they're, they're all showing up for you for a reason. Um, and then E stands for engage. So this is now having this awareness. Now that I have awakened to what's going on in me and, uh, I have this curious, kind posture toward myself. And I, uh, with all of that, now I can move forward in a different way. You know, I move forward in a new way with, with all of these parts of myself. So that is the aware exercise. And with that, how about we round out the head triad and talk about type seven? Shall we?




Let's do it. So type sevens are connected to type one and type five on the arrows. And let's start with the type Um, your type one part for you, sevens gives you the ability to accept life as it is and live for a higher purpose. Um, you know, you're going to notice a strong sense of responsibility and. obligation to do the right thing, to improve yourself in the world. That's going to show up. You may also have, you know, some of the unhealthy traits of the one that you notice. And so sevens, you may notice a part of you becoming more and more irritable, more and more critical of yourself and others. Um, and you may notice that this is a part of you that is, uh, a little more serious that carries, you know, a sense of angst and anger about imperfections and just wanting to improve, uh, things around you. So that's what, you know, you may notice that. Um, so let's talk about how to notice the, the stress path traits of a type one. Um, this is the more unhealthy characteristics. Uh, so you may notice that.


uncharacteristic of the seven. It's always surprising


Mm hmm.


go down their


very, very much like a different person. Yeah. So you'll notice yourself imposing restrictions and limitations on yourself to be more productive. That sounds very. anti seven ish. You know, don't put me in a box. Don't put limits on me or restrictions. But you may notice that you have an inner critic that is sort of showing up enforcing these restrictions. Um, sometimes you may notice an irritability. Uh, like I said, a critical part of yourself, um, you may notice and point out imperfections around you and imperfections in yourself. Um, you could even become a little bit of what you loathe, which is a micromanager. You could even start to notice a part of you that wants to sort of micromanage and control and, and, you know, you may notice yourself getting upset with people who are. preventing you from experiencing your ideal desires and in situation, you may notice this kind of frustration with other people who are getting in your way. And so that's, you know, that's the stress path. That's the unhealthy traits, but thank, thank God. That's not all that a type one offers. The type one also brings a tremendous gift to the type seven. Um, as I mentioned earlier, it helps you accept life as it is both good and bad. And. Live for a higher purpose rather than just living for what's next. Live with a sense of deep meaning and purpose, um, enables you to focus on your top priority and complete it on time without getting scattered and distracted, you know, enables you to slow down and take your time and make sure that things are done Right. proper, correct, correctly. Um, it helps you take ownership of your responsibilities, even if they're not fun. You know, some of those details in life and some of those responsibilities, the details of our responsibilities are just not fun, type one, uh, gives you with the ability to just take ownership of that and, uh, and, and do what you need to do. Um, so sevens, let's move from the type one to the type five, which is the other arrow that you are connected to. Um, now for the type sevens, the type five. makes up the blind spot. And so you may notice that you are becoming a part of you is becoming really independent. Um, maybe putting up some boundaries to protect yourself from others, uh, being too invasive or too limiting in your time. You know, one of the interesting Things I've noticed in working with sevens is when they are in their public persona, like when they're in, you know, at work and with friendships, they are the life of the party. They are, you know, the adventurous, you know, ones in the group. And, but then at home people that they are most comfortable with, they can more wall up and like put up boundaries and more space. And it's like, wait a minute, what you, you know, you were. At the party, you talk to every single person in the room for an hour, you know, and at home that's like can, go into a little more of a retreat mode around the people they're most comfortable with. And it's not that that's bad. It's just that it can be your blind spot path showing up. Um, you may need to sort out your feelings by using your intellect before moving forward. Um, Uh, you may notice that you're growing tired of constantly feeling like you need to be positive that may actually start to exhaust you and you may find yourself becoming, you know, more secretive and isolating yourself from others, like I said, to recharge your internal battery. And so that can be that blind spot five part of you showing up, which usually happens in your, in your closest relationships where you feel the most comfortable, where your guard is totally down. Now, The five also brings a tremendous gift to the seven. Um, and this is the growth path for, uh, the type seven. So you, you may notice that you become a remarkably creative and able to combine your intellectual insights and passion to produce Something stunning, you know, um, you may be able to connect with others from both an intellectual and a passionate place and generally give them the insights that you've, you've gathered over time. You may have the ability to pull things apart and conceptualize new ways to look at them from a creative viewpoint. And then, uh, you just more accepting of life. know, you may place more value on, on wisdom and discipline versus finding the next fun. Experience or fun thing to do. And so this can be some of the ways that the type five shows up in that growth path and gives you a real gift as a seven. Jeff, you want to take us through the aware exercise for the sevens?


Yeah. So the first thing I think is I a way of applying this specifically to a type seven is awaken to how you may be relating to others. Am I relating from a place of. Restriction? Uh, am I, am I becoming critical? Am I becoming avoided? Am I moving away from Am I showing up to life with a lot of energy? Or is this the kind of energy that's kind of moving away from people? Okay, so that like it's the kind of energy that's this, uh, it's not proportional to the circumstances that you're in. Second, rather than shame it, deny it, or justify it to simply acknowledge that it's happening become curious about it. what's behind, what needs are behind ask yourself, start by asking yourself why this particular part of you is showing up right now. What needs are they seeking to address? Next is receive, by giving yourself a moment, okay, just setting aside a moment to practice some silence and solitude, you may have some new thoughts about what's happening. Receive these new thoughts. Receive the gifts of other parts having an opinion about what's going on in your life. And that maybe they're inviting you to relate in a more healthier way and to address a place from, uh, addressing your needs versus denying And then lastly is engaging. Engaging with yourself. What does it look like to take care of yourself in What does it look like to re engage in your relationships in a way that you're much more attuned to people and not your own self


Very good. Very good. Well said Jeff. that brings us to the, the end of our, our conversation today. We've, we've talked about the top types, five type six and type seven. And, uh, I just want to thank you for joining us for this conversation. Jeff, thanks for, uh, listening. Thanks for leading us. And, um, if you found this helpful, be sure to like, and subscribe. Don't forget to ask us your questions. You can reach out to us in the comments. Jeff and I love interacting with the comments on YouTube and Instagram. You can also email us at info at urinagramcoach. com. Uh, don't forget to Tuning into our next few episodes. We're going to continue working through the triad. So we're going to talk through, um, the heart triad and the gut triad in, in these future episodes. So make sure you tune in for those. And if you would like to know more about the lines and arrows, be sure to check out our book, more than your number. Um, the last section of that book lays out the specifics for each type and provides you with some self coaching exercises to help you get to know yourself and practice self leadership, especially this aware thing. I mean, the more, the more you build aware into your life, um, I mean, honestly, the more aware you come, you become, and it's a, it's really an amazing tool for transformation. So thank you all for joining us, Jeff. It's been a real pleasure and we'll see you all in the next episode.

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