Your Enneagram Coach, the Podcast

Episode 244: Avoid Stress Paths and Experience Growth: Heart Triad Lines & Arrows

Jeff McCord and Adam Breckenridge Season 2 Episode 244

Today on the podcast, we dive into the Heart Triad—Types 2, 3, and 4—and explore their Enneagram lines and arrows, or as we like to call them, their Enneagram Paths.

In this episode, we cover Types 2, 3, 4’s:

  • The Stress and Growth Path: Understand what it means to move along these lines during times of stress and growth.
  • The Blind Spot and Converging Points: Discover the often overlooked paths in your Enneagram type and how recognizing them can lead to powerful personal development.
  • Parts of a Whole: Learn how each line and arrow is a path to essential parts of your heart, revealing the full complexity of your personality.

Understanding the lines and arrows offers insights into the patterns of behavior that can either propel us forward or hold us back. Whether you’re a 2, 3, or 4, or you know someone who is, this episode sheds light on how these types can navigate life more effectively.

Bonus: As a special gift, download our free PDF on Lines and Arrows to deepen your understanding and put these insights into practice.

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Adam Breckenridge - 

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#Enneagram #PersonalityTypes #EnneagramCoach


Well, if you've ever looked at the Enneagram symbol and you've wondered what all these lines and arrows are all about, um, you're not alone and you have come to the right place. Welcome to Your Enneagram Coach, the podcast. We have helped millions of people around the world to discover, explore, and become the person you've always longed to I'm Adam Breckenridge, director of coaching here at YEC. And I am joined by my good friend, the co founder and CEO, dare I say, uh, handsome devil, fearless leader of your Enneagram coach. The one, yeah, the one and only Jeff McCord. Welcome


See, I don't have the beard to pull that


Being a handsome devil.


Yeah, oh man,


bet, I bet there are plenty of clean shaven men. I mean, Brad Pitt's


I don't know about You know, I've always wanted to, I think I could grow a remarkably thick mustache. I have, at times, left my mustache unshaven for like a day and Beth, uh, freaks out. She's like, you need to go shave you. No.


see, Carrie is right the opposite because we have been married 18 years. We have been dating. We just celebrated 21 years last week of dating and she's only ever I mean, she's known me, we grew up together, but she's, we've only ever been in, in relationship, dating or married, uh, with me having a beard. So she's actually given me the rule that I'm not allowed to shave. It would be too shocking


Beth's dad had a mustache for a while and I mean he, it was quite a bit different whenever he finally shaved. I mean it, it was, it was a thing.




ever shaved?


So when Lucy, my oldest was around two years old, I didn't shave all the way, but I went into the bathroom without telling anyone and came out with almost no beard. I mean, it was like a full beard. It was like a five o'clock shadow thing that I had going on. I mean, it was, I took, I took it down to almost nothing and, and Lucy did not have a good reaction to it. Um, yeah, I think she was like, I, I can, I, you look, you sound like my dad and I can, I can tell you're my dad, but you don't look like my dad. So it was really off


That's great.


So if Jeff and I have not piqued your interest yet, uh,


Yeah. I mean, we promised them we're going to talk about lines and arrows and now we're talking about male facial hair. That's great.


All because I referred to you as a handsome devil.


and you know what happens when Beth is no longer around. Bet


That's right. Our,


that before.


our, our good friend, Beth McCord, um, co founder with you, obviously Jeff is on sabbatical. And, uh, and so Jeff and I are leading the podcast in this season and you know, this is And


And the great news, uh, so just before I came up to the studio to record our episode for today, Beth was, uh, recording a cameo appearance, uh, in the next episode, Beth will be interviewing Chuck DeGroat regarding his new book, Healing What's Within. And, um, it's been instrumental in her during her sabbatical. And so I asked her if she'd be willing to do the interview and, uh, she came out just beaming with. fun and insightful it. was to spend some time with Chuck talking in a very personal way. so Beth will be back. She's around. Um, but, uh, she's off doing some good, good, good, uh, deep, deep And, it's paying off, uh, in dividends for her right now.


Yeah, I'm so excited for her to share that with our broader going to be so fun. Well, in this series, our goal is to help you better understand the lines and arrows in the Enneagram symbol, and to learn how to practice self leadership. In this episode, we were specifically discussing the heart triad. We're talking about the lines and arrows for types two, three, and four. So each main type on the Enneagram has two other connecting types and you see them in those lines or sometimes The line and arrow, uh, means the same thing. you know, the arrow highlights the dynamic relationship that we are not static. The arrows we, we move, we migrate, we gravitate. Um, we're not static creatures. One way to think about the lines and arrows, uh, you can illustrate this in the movie inside out. Jeff and I love talking about this movie. Um, both, both parts, one and two of the inside out, uh, in the inside out, Dynasty, I guess you'd say, cause I think they're going to make more, um, have been really,


at Early adulthood, in middle adulthood, Riley in retirement,


That's right. Riley retired. Yeah. Or in one of our earlier episodes, I was trying to describe the movie and I meant to say, you know, middle school Riley and I said, middle aged Riley. And that, that's when you and I were like, Oh, they need to make that film. You know, they, they need to bring someone to the,


Riley. I'm telling you there'd be, there's a lot there, man.


Hey, there's a lot there, There's a lot there Uh,


I mean, what happened to the male version of this thing? I mean, we just get a glimpse of the dad, uh, here and there with rock band, inner team, inner, inner family.


that's right. They need to, they need to make a whole version Uh, but I do think that the movie illustrates well, what we're trying to talk about, you know, each of the numbers in the lines and arrows is kind of like the characters in Riley's inner world, her inner family and inside out those characters represent emotions and they also have their own personalities. You know, they have. Their own core motivations. They're all trying to take control of Riley's life out of their own interest. They have roles. They're playing to try to protect her and help her navigate her life and all its challenges. And. The same is true about each of these connecting types in the lines and arrows. Um, they don't necessarily represent one singular emotion, but they do have their own kind of personalities and gifts and liabilities that they bring. And they, they have their own responses. They have their own core motivations. They're all trying to. Take over the driver's seat or the control board out of their own interest. They have roles they're playing to try to help your main type, uh, live and survive your life. And, um, and so each of the two Enneagram types that we are connected to by the lines they can show up in healthy ways. They can show up in unhealthy Um, now remember this, this is important. We've said this in each episode. We don't become these types. We simply take on the core motivations and the relational strategies of these types in order to meet our Um, there are four terms Jeff and I are going to be using that describe how these two connected types show up in how we relate to ourselves and There's the stress path. which is adopting the unhealthy attributes, um, of a, of a connecting type. And then there's the growth path, which is adopting the healthy attributes of a connecting type. The two, two other terms that you don't see as often, but they are just as true and relevant is the blind spot and the converging path. So the blind spot a way of relating that we are just that. Blind to, uh, it's usually something that shows up with close family and friends. We let our guard down and there's a certain blind spot that we have. And then there's a converging Uh, this is when we are most free from the limitations of our personality constraints, and this is when all of our connecting types and our main type are converging together the healthiest attributes of all of them, and it's. Kind of forming our best, most mature self. So stress path, growth path, blind spot path, and converging path are the four terms that we will be working with. And with that set up, Jeff, do you want to kick us off talking about type two?


Yeah, I'd love to. Hey, let's talk about uh, the type 2. And the two? numbers that the type 2 is connected to are type 4 and type 8. Um, I've, yeah, uh, love twos. Twos have been such a gift in my life. And, um, and they can show up in a lot of different ways. Our daughter's a two and um, her name is Libby. Uh, her given name is Elizabeth, but she calls her the eight part of her heart, Queen uh, because she, she says that it can, um, be a benevolent, uh, ruler. Or a hostile dictator, um, but, uh, it's a strong part of her, but yeah, let's talk about these, uh, two connecting types for the type two. So how do you recognize the growth parts, the growth traits of your connecting type four? Well, do you enjoy resting in beauty of nature, allowing, create, Tivity feelings and needs to surface and can you temporarily set aside helping others in order to practice Do you intentionally schedule a time to process your feelings, uh, and intuitive Uh, and then lastly, can you sit with others and their difficulty, emotions providing support without offering unsolicited help? Uh, the four part of your heart is there and accessible to you to be able to provide these things in your relationships from a healthy. Place in your own but it's also a blind stop path, which is always surprising about the two because it can be so contradictory, uh, in their But it usually means that there are certain needs that aren't being met, and these are the strategies in order to have those needs met. And so it's. Reasonable for a child to but they become self sabotaging in adulthood relationships. Do you ever feel rejected because others are not listening to you or accepting of you? Do you withdraw when you're feeling moody, melancholy, or misunderstood? Do you daydream about becoming free of always needing to be helpful and Now do you feel that others don't understand you and that, how difficult it is to be constantly others focused? And does self pity or envy of others make you increasingly self focused? these are ways that the blind spot Well, not only is the two connected. It's also connected to Type 8, and the 8 part of you gives you the ability to become more independent and self affirming. But, and it can also cause you to be irritable and defensive, uh, if your love and support are ignored or rejected. So, let's first talk about the stress Stress traits that show up whenever we the type eight part of a two is activated. Well, do you become confrontational? Irritable angry or defensive are there times that you're more controlling demanding and dominating in your Do you sometimes struggle to stay tender patient and gracious in your efforts to help? Uh, do you, uh, become overly protective and aggressive when you think someone about, or someone you care about is being harmed in And do you avoid being vulnerable, fearing that others may take advantage of you you? That's how you know whenever the stress traits of this eight part of your heart Well, at type eight, This is also the converging path. This is the healthiest traits of the Type II when there's freedom from all the limitations of all the first personality actually just kind of fade away. Well, knowing that you're loved, provided for, and safe in God's care, can you humbly help others with God's strength and tenderness? Do you have the ability to vulnerably share your own emotions and your own needs? Do you see that you are shifting your focus from people pleasing to doing what's best for themselves, or not just everyone, but also for yourself? And are there times that you become more independent and self affirming? Do you find yourself feeling courageous, strong, and self confident in the abilities that you've been given? Now, one way that you can begin to identify and set aside time in order to identify all of these traits of the stress and growth path and the blind spot and converging path is to practice this exercise that we call AWARE. And AWARE stands for AWAKEN, WELCOME, CREATE. Ask, engage. Awaken to what part of you is active in the moment. Now that may come to you because you're getting feedback from other people. Uh, that may come to you because you have sensations in your body or you're finding yourself reflecting on or thinking and ruminating over But simply awaken to what's happening. Are you getting tired because you've been selflessly giving yourself so much? That's something that you need to awaken Welcome it. Rather than holding yourself in contempt, uh, or holding the other person in contempt and getting defensive, actually welcome the feedback that you're receiving, because we want to be curious about these parts, because these parts of us have developed over time to meet And so they have a message for us. They have an invitation for us if we'll Next is to ask. To simply ask yourself, and maybe even ask these parts, to simply What it is that you need right now. What's happening in the situation that's caused this part to come up. You may actually notice over time that there's actually a pattern of how when these parts show up whenever you have a need Next is to receive. Receive the gift that you are more than one thing. So although this one part of you may be active in the moment, that doesn't mean that the other parts are simply sidelined and not available to but rather you can ask these other what their perspective Well, now that I'm The eight part of my heart is showing up. What is the four part of me? What does it have to say and how can And then lastly is to engage. Engage in a new way. Engaging with yourself. First and primary, engaging with others and then engaging with the so that you can move towards things in a healthier way and a much more vulnerable and honest way about where you're at, making sure that your versus expending yourself for the sake of others out of a need that you to feel loved Adam, what do you take us into type three?


Absolutely. I'd love to. So type threes are connected to six and nine in the lines and arrows. And we'll start with that type six. Connecting type. This is the blind spot and the growth path for the type three. And we'll, we'll talk first about that blind spot. So this is the misaligned of the type six and how you might notice it showing up for you may notice that you're expressing frustration and dissatisfaction and self doubt, uh, and, and, and Maybe even as carrying a sense of dread in you, you know, type threes have an innate fear of failure or appearing as And you may notice a sense of dread around that, a growing, increasing anxiety, a certain. Feeling of self-doubt. You know, threes have a natural confidence of like, I, I'm gonna walk up to the plate and hit a home run. You know? But if, if you notice all of a sudden a, a, a wave of self-doubt or imposter syndrome, uh, dread, this is that type six, uh, blind spot path, you may, you may notice yourself, uh, struggling with confusion. leading you to seek out guidance and support from others. Whereas, uh, you know, normally you're just, just have a certain intuition of, I just know what I want and what I need to do. And you go for it. You may notice yourself seeking external support. Um, you may notice strong reactions. If you're blamed or accused of something, you may even notice a part of you that's becoming increasingly suspicious of others. You may notice this tendency to test loyalties. Um, and then you may notice yourself avoiding things. If you think you might fail, this is all kind of classic examples of how the type six blind spot can show up and how to notice it showing up if you're a type but speaking as a six, a fellow six with you, Jeff, that's, Obviously not all that a six is. There are tremendous gifts that type sixes bring to the world. And if you're a three connected to a six, that the six brings you. And you see that in your growth path. Um, you'll notice. Uh, if you notice yourself taking your anxieties, for example, and your insecurities into safe relationships to process them, you may be taking your anxieties to God and, and, or taking them to, you know, your spouse or a confidant and, and instead of letting them control you and run wild in you, you sort of take your life back. You, this is called self leadership. We're now you're leading the anxious part, um, and you know, trusting that God's going to care for you and give you what you need. Uh, you may notice yourself becoming less competitive and more cooperative. You may notice yourself, uh, instead of striving to have to be the best. You may notice yourself simply seeking to do your best. And there's a massive difference between those two things. I'm going to do my best versus I have to be the best. One is compulsively competitive and the other is just called faithful. I'm going to do my best. I'm going to do the best I can. And that's a gift that the type six can bring To the type you may notice yourself having a, uh, part of that is a, more of a team player mindset. So less of a, I need to be LeBron James on this team. Um, and more of a, okay, I can be a role player on this team. I can still be the leader on this team, but this is a team and I have a team player mindset. So that means I'm going to defer to other team members. I'm going to ask for help. I'm going to seek their advice. I'm going to maximize their talents. Not just to help or promote myself, but to promote them and the greater good, the bottom line of whatever we're trying to Uh, and then you may notice yourself showing up relationally being more warm, vulnerable, witty, uh, sixes have a certain wit about them. You noticed, Maybe some of that silliness on the front end of this conversation about mustaches and beards and handsome devils, you know, like that's, if you see a three start to lighten up a little bit and not take themselves so seriously and their image so seriously, the ability to relax and be lighthearted and a witty, uh, and a little more vulnerable taking off the mask, you know, this is a way that that type six growth path shows up Now let's talk about type nine. This makes up the stress and converging path for the type and we'll start talking about that, talking about that stress This is the misaligned traits of a type 9 that you'll see Coming into play for a type And so, you know, some of the ways you may notice that is you, um, you appear really busy to avoid looking lazy when actually you're not able to focus. but you, you, you need to maintain the image of. You may notice yourself withdrawing, losing interest in accomplishing. You may notice yourself wanting to be left alone and unbothered. You may notice yourself kind of falling asleep to your desires, which is really out of three. Threes know what they want. And they're going after what they want. But if you find a part of you sort of, uh, falling asleep, you know, to what it is you want, or maybe numbing out to, to your desires, you may notice yourself engaging in inoculating activities. TikTok, social media, playing games, watching TV, shopping, eating, some other outlet of escape, you know, again, in, in, in IFS terms, we call these firefighters. This is like daydreaming fantasy. I'm getting out of my, I'm getting, I'm getting out of my body. I'm just, I'm getting out of here. So if you start to notice that, that sort of dissociating. Uh, you know, relational narcolepsy, I'm sort of falling asleep to other people, to myself. This is an example of that type nine stress path that could be showing up. You may also. Notice like a stubborn, a stubborn part of your heart began to show up where I'm not going to receive from others. I'm going to resist the help of others. Um, I'm not even going to hear, you know, you, it's like kind of this stubborn, immovable, Type of a part that wants to, you know, hold your ground even against better judgment or whatever. So if you notice that as a three, these are all evidences that you could be in your type nine stress path. Obviously that's not all a type nine is, you know, Jeff, you and I are both married to nine. So we better, we better honor the gift of a nine here nines are amazing. I mean, all types are, and, but nines have a particular gift that they bring. And if, if you're a three. connected to nine, this is your converging path. This is actually your best is, is whenever you, uh, borrow the blessings and the gifts of a nine. And what happens is you begin to be less concerned with efficiency and which, which is very fast. And you slow down and you're more, you're more relationally engaged. So Jeff, a lot of people talk about this as like the pace of the, the, the, the pace of relationship is the pace of love, which is slow.




And, um, you know, love is spelled T I M E. It's like, You can't do relationships in a hurry. Uh, you, you can't do love in a hurry. And so threes are kind of in a hurry to get there. You know, it's like, and that can be good and it can be, it can be a liability, but it's like, I know where I want to go. I know the end result. I've got a path to get there. I'm working the path and I'm in a hurry to get there. But. Your healthiest self begins to slow down and be more present. You still have your path. You still know where you want to go. You're still moving that direction, but you're enjoying the moment. You're present relationally. You're, you're, you're, you're more of a human being and less of a human doing. So it's like, I'm not just achieving and performing as a three. I am, Very connected relationally to the people that matter to They know me. I'm allowing myself to be known, not just the image of me, but me. Um, this is a gift that the nine Um, you value the viewpoints of others and appreciate their contributions. So it's no longer, you know, it's not just a, a my way or the highway. I know what I want out of my way. I'm moving forward. You know, it's, it's, it's actually against that. It's like, I'm, I'm, I'm objective. I'm thinking about what other people want and how other people feel and what it's like to be on the other side of me. And I'm considering other people's thoughts and their contributions. There's a collaborative spirit. There's a, I'm, I'm not just concerned about my success, but the success of the team. Um, I don't even have to be the main one that stands out. You know, I just want us to Um, by the way, I know, I know sometimes that. This is just being polite, like playing a role, but you hear the, the, the most mature athletes when like the stars on the team, they're like the threes on the When you hear them interviewed after the game, if you notice Jeff, like they don't, they, the reporters trying to give them a bunch of honor and credit and they keep, they keep bringing it back to the team. You know, they're just, yeah, man, everybody showed up and we, we, everybody knew their assignment and we work, everybody worked really hard and it's not that they're deflecting the praise, which would be an immature response. It's like, they're receiving it, but, but they're, they're also distributing it where it belongs to say like, yeah, but I couldn't be here You know,




and, and so that's a, that's an objective spirit that the nine brings to see all the parts and to see all the value And lastly, you notice this ability to just relax, to rest again. It's like, I'm slowing down. My identity is not tied and what I accomplish, you know, the quality of life is not achievements. The quality of life is the quality of relationships. So it's like, okay, I'm allowing myself to be loved. I'm loving other people. I'm moving through life at a different pace. And this is a real gift that the converging path and nine brings to the Let's talk about aware, um, which again, stands for awake and welcome, ask, receive, engage. And so if you're a three and you're asking how do I begin to notice or what do I, you Um, what's an exercise in self leadership where I can awaken to these parts? We, we talk about the AWARE exercise and the A stands for awaken. That's this, this call to wake up. Every journey starts with noticing and naming where you are. And so, you know, if you want to move forward, You've got to first notice where you are and notice what's going on. And so pay attention to how these parts of you are showing up. A lot of times it's in physical sensations. Sometimes it's in your emotions. Sometimes it's in your thoughts, thought patterns. Sometimes it's in your reactivity. You notice, Oh, wow, I just got super competitive with a guy. Um, I don't even know where that came from, but I found myself trying to one up him or beat him. And, and it's like, okay, this is something, this is a part of me that's showing up. And then welcome. The W is welcome. So whatever you're noticing, rather than denying it, Justifying it, judging it, uh, you befriend it, you welcome it with kindness and gentleness, and then you become curious about it, which leads us into the ask, the A. So ask this part of you that's showing up, you know, what, what, what does it mean? What role is it trying to play? What are its needs? What is it protecting? How is it trying Um, and then the R is receive. Receive the gift that you have other parts of you that can help you, that can point you to your needs, uh, that can point you to what you need from others. And, and then the last thing is the E stands for engage. And this is, okay, with this self awareness, how do I engage myself? In my relationships and my circumstances, my vocation, all of this stuff in a new way with this self awareness. Um, and so that is the aware exercise for the type three. Jeff, you want to take us into type four?


Yeah, this will be, uh, this will be fun. I have so benefited from fours in my life. I've had a number of different type fours in my life that have shown up in all the various ways, and they've been a tremendous, tremendous gift to Uh, well, fours, I have two connecting types, uh, not just their wings, but also two lines, and, uh, they are connected to type one and they are connected to type two, and so we're first going to focus on the type one. And the. Type one part of their heart gives them more emotional balance and helps them to be more objective and principled. And it can also cause you to focus on flaws and be more judgmental and critical of yourself and or others. But how do you recognize whenever this type one part of you is showing up, uh, As your growth path. What are the traits related to your growth? Well, one, are you more emotionally balanced, objective and grounded in your relationships? Do you embrace mundane task as opportunities to be good stewards and be responsible and disciplined and organized? Do you recognize that your feelings are not always the reality and focus more on doing what is best for the good of everyone? And then are you more reliable completing what needs to be done before moving on to other creative interests? That's how you'll know, uh, particularly in the aware exercise awakening, those are questions to be asking yourself, what's showing up for me? Are these growth traits? But the type one part of the four's heart is also a blind spot. Because that, uh, what that looks like and how you would recognize that is that do you focus on flaws becoming more judgmental and critical of others? Are you more vocal about your frustrations and disappointments and visibly display those disappointments in your body language? Are you impatient, picky, controlling when you feel others are incorrect and irresponsible or not being authentic? And then are you more self critical? Are you hyper aware of your imperfections and feel that, uh, you need to improve yourself in order, uh, to reach an idea that you have in your mind? These are ways for you to recognize that the type one part of your heart is being activated now as a blind spot trade That means if these are with your private relationships or closest relationships that may not be with everyone But for those that you're closest to they're probably going to notice this as a tendency and show up Uh, here and there. Well, the next part is that, uh, not only are fours connected to one, they're also connected to type twos. And so the two part of your heart gives you the ability to recognize your value and to love yourself unconditionally. And it can cause you to defend your hurt feelings by withdrawing or removing your attention But how would you recognize it? Well, when, how do you recognize when the stress traits of the type two is showing up in your life? Well, do you fend your hurt feelings by describing how your intrusive, helpful advice of or care was from a good place and that they should accept it? Or, um, do you remove your affection? So, I'm going to go through a couple of different ways that you can use affection to manipulate others to tend to your own hurt emotions. Do you discuss the current condition of your relationship and how you're special and unique so others will see their need for you? So there's a little bit of boasting and arrogance. Do you manipulate and create dependencies through helping, giving attention, or doing favors for others? Or do you use flattery or act possessively in your social groups because you are scared Secretly fear that you don't belong or that you'll be rejected. That's how you know whenever the stress traits related to type 2 are as a And then lastly are the converging traits. The healthiest of all traits for the type 4 and that shows up at type 2 as well. Have you learned to recognize your full value and to feel the unconditional love that you have? Do you acknowledge the positive qualities in others and generously affirm, encourage and support them? Do you instinctively know how to make others feel special, seen, cared for, and supported in extending emotional friendship, compassion, and support to And that knowing that you've cared for yourself, are you able to then extend that care to other people? people. Now, if you practice aware as a type four? to notice when the type one and type two are showing up in your life, you're going to use these questions as you walk through the aware exercise. But first you'll just need to awaken to what's actually happening. And as with all the other types, you can look for feedback from other people, from your body, from your thought patterns, but simply what's actually happening inside of you. I do that through just a typical Uh, morning team meeting, uh, what's active inside of me today? What am I thinking about? What am I ruminating on? Uh, when did this start? Um, usually, uh, sometimes it's carryovers from the previous day. How am I feeling, uh, in the moment? Am I melancholy? Now, fours would be great at identifying feelings, but what are you inclined to do with them? Next would be to welcome them, uh, rather than to deny them or justify them, simply to welcome what's being presented to you and to be curious about it. Ask the question, ask yourself, ask these parts of you, what is it, what needs are you needing right now from others? What are you needing from yourself? To receive the feedback that you do get from others, to receive the feedback that comes to mind when you ask yourself these questions, and to recognize that you are more than just one thing. You're a lot of different And then lastly, using this information and this new awareness in order to engage yourself and your relationships and these circumstances in a new way.


Well, thanks for joining us for our discussion on lines and arrows. This rounds out the triads. We've talked in these episodes about, we did it. We did it, Jeff. We talked about all of them. We did, we did the head triad. We did the gut triad and here we are wrapping heart triad. So it's been, it's been a lot of fun. If you found this helpful, be sure to like, and subscribe. Don't forget to ask us your questions. Jeff and I enjoy interacting with you and your questions. So reach out to us anytime in the comments or email us at info at urinagram coach. com. And if you'd like to know more about the lines and arrows, be sure to check out our book more than your number. The last section of the book lays out the specifics for each type and provides you with some self coaching exercises to help you get to know yourself better and practice self leadership.


Well, everybody, I hope you'll join us next time because Beth is going to be back. She's making a cameo appearance coming out of sabbatical because she has been significantly impacted by Chuck DeGroat, Dr. Chuck DeGroat's new book, Healing What's Within. And she's going to be interviewing Chuck and talking about her experience of going through the book and dealing with her own woundedness. And so it's a special interview. It's going to be very intimate, very meaningful conversation. And I know you all love Beth. Beth and I know you appreciate Adam and I, but let's be honest, we all love Beth. We all need a little bit of vitamin B, right? We're vitamin B deficient right now and we're trying to make it in order to give Beth the break. I was just, we were just reflecting the other day on a drive, man, I mean, seven years and uh, helping thousands of people, training 2000 coaches, writing 12 books. I mean, that was a, that was, That was a sprint and uh, we're grateful that we're able to provide her with a break, but she's back. And so be sure to check out the next episode, uh, with Chuck DeGroat. And then, uh, Adam will be, and I will be back, uh, for future episodes. We're going to be actually talking about the role and experience of anxiety for each of the Enneagram types because, uh, uh, we are a very anxious community. culture right. now and anxious people. I think it was like 60 percent of people say that they are at their max right now. And our window of tolerance is shrinking because of the anxiety that we carry. And it's not just sixes that carry anxiety. All types do. And we're going to talk about how that shows up for each of us, but be sure to join us. And if you're new to lines and arrows, Be sure to check out the three previous episodes in this episode. Share it with some friends that you might find it helpful. Uh, as always, we are grateful that you've chosen to listen and support your Enneagram coach. And so we'll see you on, on. the next episodes. Thanks a lot for joining us.

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